Spazi attrattivi per il business center moscovita White Gardens Arcade

L'agenzia di comunicazioni ProjectNext e il business center moscovita White Gardens lanciano un concorso internazionale, invitando architetti, ingegneri e firme del design a ridisegnare lo spazio pubblico tra i due blocchi del centro per affari, un'area di 800 metri quadri attualmente utilizzata come luogo di relax. L'obiettivo è renderlo più attrattivo e confortevole. Ai vincitori la possibilità di firmare un contratto per la realizzazione del progetto.

ProjectNext communications agency and White Gardens business center announce an open international competition for architecture, structural-engineering, and design firms with the aim of finding the best concept for White Gardens Arcade.

Arcade is a public space between the two blocks of the White Gardens business center, which is located in the well-known White District business district. The glass-roofed space of the Arcade contains restaurants, cafes, and bars.

The competition is for architecture, structural engineering, and design firms and firms specializing in urban design and territorial development, as well as for individual architects and designers with a degree in architecture or design and with experience of working on real projects.

Participants in the competition are asked to generate ideas and proposals for organizing the Arcade space and for helping people find their way to Arcade, with the aim of creating a new comfortable environment which people will find it interesting to visit. The competition winner will have the chance to sign a contract for realization of the project.


  • 1-st place: conclusion of a contract for the preparation of working documents and conducting field supervision, and/or cash consideration in the amount of 200,000 rubles
  • 2-nd place: a monetary award of 150,000 rubles
  • 3-rd place: a monetary award of 100,000 rubles


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