Un nuovo "Arco di Trionfo" per Parigi, al via la VII edizione di Prix W

La Wilmotte Foundation bandisce la settima edizione del concorso biennale Prix W. L'obiettivo di quest'anno: dare nuova vita all'edificio-ponte del Pondorly per farne una degna porta di ingresso alla città.

The Wilmotte Foundation announces the 7th edition of W Prize, inviting students and young architects to imagine a new life to Pondorly, a bridge-building and southern gateway to Paris. «We look forward to receiving your proposals that will turn Pondorly into a new Arc de Triomphe for Paris», says the architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte.

This seventh competition - the W Award 2016 - is open to students and young graduates of European architecture schools. Its international jury of renowned architects, artists and journalists will reward excellent projects with the possibility to participate in ongoing architectural developmentsThe best projects will be remunerated, exhibited in Venice at the Gallery of the Wilmotte Foundation, and published in a book dedicated to the competition.

Since early 2005, the Wilmotte Foundation has been promoting architectural grafting as an elegant marriage of heritage and contemporary creation. Prizes and burseries are attributed every two years, by a jury, which includes architects, artists, jornalists and famous personalities.


Pondorly was built in 1968 by the architect and 1949 Rome Prize Laureate Paul Vimond . Its total area approaches 5000 square meters. Initially, the building housed a restaurant and a shopping mall. It now hosts the largest nightclub in the area surrounding Paris.


The new Pondorly will be dedicated to host events of every dimension : create a festive place for use during the day as well as during the night: a nightclub, a concert hall, a cinema, a restaurant, an exhibition hall, a bar, etc... The ability to cross the bridge must be preserved. The intervention should also turn the bridge into an architectural signal; a true symbol for anyone entering Paris from the south.

Transform Pondorly into an event venue, open day and night, with a convergence of visitors in one or several meeting points. Everyone coming from Orly airport passes under Pondorly. The project should mark the territory on which it is situated.

1st Prize: 7000 Euros / 2nd Prize: 5000 Euros / 3rd Prize: 2000 Euros

Closing date for entries: March 21st, 2016

web siteprixw.com

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