Pafos 2017, Capitale Europea della Cultura per il 2017 di Cipro, pubblica un bando per una residenza dal titolo "arTwins in spazi aperti" destinata ad artisti visivi e creativi - architetti, designer, scultori e videoartisti. Gli artisti sono invitati a partecipare al progetto con l'obiettivo di trovare modi comuni per creare opere d'arte negli spazi aperti della città di Pafos a Cipro. Ciascun partecipante riceverà un compenso di mille euro per il periodo di preparazione e produzione dei lavori.
The "arTwins in Open Spaces" is a residency project which is based on the Open Air Factory concept and listed in the Pafos2017 Programme. Artists are invited to participate in this project in order to find common ways of expression and create art works in open spaces.
Young artists and creators are invited to suggest innovative styles, to discuss and to exchange ideas and thoughts, so as to create art works in Pafos. A total of ten selected artists, two from Cyprus and eight from abroad will form groups of two people each and will start working from a distance.
Since these artists will come from different countries and will undoubtedly have different backgrounds, they will have to use the only thing they have in common; the language of the visual arts in order to communicate and collaborate with each other for the completion of the art works.
The project
Artists working in painting, sculpture, new media, installations and architecture, are strongly encouraged to participate and present a collaboration proposal with other artists. These collaborations will result in art works exhibited in Pafos just after the program is completed in 2017 and the art works will remain in open spaces even after the closing of the exhibition.
The residency
Each participant will receive 1000 euros as compensation for the period of preparation and production of the works. Technical support will also be covered during the construction of the works, and in addition curating assistance will be provided during the exhibition. Further, all participants will be offered accommodation on a half board basis. The residency will last 15 days during August 2017 and it and will be held in a designated space in Pafos.
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