VMODERN. Quale futuro per il design di arredo?

al via il concorso lanciato dal magazine eVolo di NY

Qual è il futuro del design di arredo? Il magazine newyorkese eVolo annuncia l'avvio della nuova edizione del concorso VMODERN Furniture Design Competition con il quale intende premiare sedute, lampade, tavoli, letti capaci di innovare il nostro modo di vivere gli spazi.

» I vincitori 2015 del concorso

eVolo Magazine is pleased to invite designers around the world to participate in the 2016 VMODERN Furniture Design Competition. The award was born from the desire to create a forum for the discussion, debate and development of innovative design.

The goal is to discover and promote the most creative pieces of furniture that will transform the way we live and interact with our environment. What is the future of furniture design?

This is an ideas competition and designers may submit pieces in production, prototypes, and/or concepts. Projects will be evaluated based on creativity, originality, feasibility, function, and aesthetics.

Participants may submit the following designs:

  • Seating: armchairs, benches, chairs, lounge chairs, recliners, stools, etc.
  • Planes: beds, coffee tables, desks, shelving units, tables, etc.
  • Lighting: ceiling lamp, floor lamp, table lamp, wall lamp, etc.

July 19, 2016 | Early registration deadline
September 20, 2016 | Late registration deadline
September 27, 2016 | Submission deadline (23:59 hours US Eastern Time)

November 8, 2016 | Winner's announcement

Brad Ascalon [principal Brad Ascalon Studio NYC] / Jonas Bjerre-Poulsen [partner Norm.Architects] / Peter Donders [principal Peter Donders, Morphs, Morphsine] / Chris Hardy [principal Chris Hardy Pty Ltd] / Kasper Rønn von Lotzbeck [partner Norm.Architects] / David Trubridge [principal David Trubridge]

1st Place: US $2000 / 2nd Place: US $1000 / 3rd Place: US: $500

Winners and projects selected by the Jury and editorial board will be published online and in print on eVolo Magazine's publications and media partners.

Web: vmodern.com

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