Un museo mobile accessibile a tutti

concorso di idee per giovani architetti

Gli Architetti della Turchia lanciano un concorso internazionale per giovani architetti, invitandoli a ideare un museo museo mobile, progettato intorno alle esigenze dei disabili.

The Chamber of Architects of Turkey and the Antalya Branch announces an international design competition opened to young architects. 

The competition invites its participants to develop design ideas concerning "a mobile museum for the disabled". Although the disabled constitute an important portion of the contemporary societies, they experience serious problems concerning participation to social and cultural life. One of the social responsibilities of architectural design is to develop spatial configurations and standards which enable the socialization of the disabled through participation into daily life. The objective of the competition is to discuss the above mentioned responsibility within the framework of a "mobile museum for the disabled," which can be set up in different contexts.

This initiative, organized each year since 2010 in coordination with the Forum of Young Architects, has received the support of the UIA.

The competition is open to architects born after 1976 who are registered with the professional organization of their respective countries.

The jury will award three prizes. The First Prize will be 2 500 Euros, the Second Prize will be 1 500 Euros and the Third 1 000 Euros. A special prize of 1 500 Euros will be awarded by the participants.

The submission deadline for projects is 5 September 2016. The working language of the competition is English. There is no registration fee.

More informations: www.uia.archi | www.youngarchitectsmeeting.com

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