Torna LafargeHolcim Awards, il premio di design sostenibile organizzato dalla LafargeHolcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction che ha come obiettivo quello di identificare le migliori idee progettuali, capaci di combinare soluzioni sostenibili con eccellenza architettonica. La competizione intende di affrontare le sfide contemporanee relative alla crescente urbanizzazione per tentare di migliorare la vita delle persone.
Giunto alla sua quinta edizione, il concorso si suddivide in due categorie: progettisti over 30 e Next Generation.
- La categoria principale accoglie architetti, ingegneri, costruttori, studenti e imprese che hanno dimostrato particolare interesse rispetto ai temi della sostenibilità attraverso la realizzazione di progetti i cui lavori dovranno essere stati iniziati prima del 4 luglio 2016.
- La categoria Next Generation, invece, è aperta ai progettisti under 30, che possono partecipare con progetti visionari e concept di idee indipendentemente dalla possibilità di attuazione del progetto.
Le iscrizioni gratuite saranno aperte fino al 21 marzo 2017, mentre il vincitore sarà proclamato nella seconda metà del 2017. A quest'ultimo sarà assegnato un premio di 2 milioni di dollari e sarà data la possibilità di partecipare al Global Holcim Awards, nel 2018.
The LafargeHolcim Awards is the most significant global competition in sustainable design. It seeks leading projects of professionals as well as bold ideas from the Next Generation that combine sustainable construction solutions with architectural excellence. Organized by the LafargeHolcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction, the competition identifies the ideas with the highest potential to tackle today's challenges to increasing urbanization and to improve quality of life.
Projects and concepts from the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, planning, technology, and civil and materials engineering are eligible to be entered online in the USD 2 million Awards competition; it closes for submissions on March 21, 2017.
The competition's main category is open to architects, planners, engineers, students of related disciplines, project owners, builders and construction firms that showcase sustainable responses to technological, environmental, socioeconomic and cultural issues within contemporary building and construction. Projects must have reached an advanced stage of design, have a high probability of execution, and may not have started construction before July 4, 2016.
Participants up to the age of 30 years of age can also submit visionary concepts and bold ideas in the competition, irrespective of the probability of actual implementation of the project: the Next Generation category specifically seeks "blue-sky" solutions by students and young professionals.
Entry in the competition is free and must be made in English using a web-based form to provide information on authorship, a project summary, technical details, as well as project images or illustrations. A comprehensive "Step-by-step" guide explains the evaluation criteria in detail and gives instructions on how to prepare an entry at
Submissions close on March 21, 2017.
The winners will be announced at a series of five consecutive Awards ceremonies in the second half of 2017. Winners automatically qualify for the global Awards competition in 2018.
- Access the Awards entry form 2016/17:
- Download Step-by-step guides on how to enter a project:
- Full list of jury members at:
- Details on "target issues" for sustainable construction:
- Browse through more than 200 previous LafargeHolcim Awards prize winning projects at:
LafargeHolcim Foundation for Sustainable Construction
Hagenholzstrasse 85, CH-8050 Zurich, Switzerland
Phone +41 58 858 82 92
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