Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) ha organizzato un concorso internazionale di progettazione, per conto di Evangelical Council for the Manchester Area Trust, finalizzato alla creazione di un muro di un milione di mattoni ognuno dei quali a rappresentare una preghiera esaudita.
Il concorso The Wall ha l'obiettivo di creare un punto di riferimento e di ispirazione nel Regno Unito. Sarà costruito in una posizione di alta visibilità come ad esempio vicino ad un'autostrada affinché migliaia di persone lo possano vedere ogni giorno e rimanere nella coscienza nazionale, una risposta moderna all'eredità cristiana del paese.
The Wall non sarà solo una struttura fisica ma anche virtuale, attraverso una piattaforma sarà possibile conoscere la preghiera esaudita di ciascun mattone.
Possono partecipare architetti, ingegneri, artisti, scultori, tecnici e altri professionisti del design e sono incoraggiate le collaborazioni.
The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) is pleased to announce the launch of an international open design competition for ‘The Wall' -a structure made of a million bricks to represent answered prayer. The competition is being managed on behalf of the charity Network, The Evangelical Council for the Manchester Area Trust.
The competition is open internationally to architects, engineers, artists, sculptors, technologists and other related design professionals. Collaborations amongst these disciplines are also encouraged.
The competition will follow the open design competition format and will be organised in the following stages:
- STAGE 1: Submission of concept designs which will be assessed anonymously. S
- TAGE 2: A shortlist of up to five designs will be selected, with anonymity lifted, and invited to submit and present their developed ideas to the judging panel for detailed discussion and final decision.
The initial phase of the competition will require teams to submit designs anonymously, in digital format only.
The closing date for first stage entries is Monday 7 November at 2pm.
The high profile panel of judges including:
Renato Benedetti, Benedetti Architects, RIBA Adviser; Rt. Hon. Stephen Timms MP; Baronness Sal Brinton; and Pam Rhodes (Broadcaster, Writer and BBC Presenter Songs of Praise) will consider the entries and up to five concept designs will then be shortlisted to participate in the second phase.
Each shortlisted designer will receive an honorarium of £4,000 + VAT.
For further information about how to enter the competition please visit:
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