Adisas, Freudenberg e Markas, in collaborazione con atp-Architects e Hilcona, hanno lanciato il concorso internazionale di idee "Think Outside the Lunchbox" e chiamano a raccolta i progettisti per individuare un nuovo concept di "mensa aziendale" che diventi un bonus accattivante per i nuovi talenti che lavorano nelle aziende e annienti tutti i preconcetti sulle tipiche esperienze in mensa.
Le aziende leader internazionali credono che un'esperienza positiva sul luogo di lavoro per quanto riguardo il "food" faccia da calamita e input di stimolo per i dipendenti e nuovi talenti.
Già ora Adidas è in prima linea con il 'World of Sports Campus" ma, il desiderio è di fare un passo avanti e re-immaginare la ristorazione collettiva nel suo complesso, con due grandi mense (fino 2000 pasti al giorno), due caffetterie, bar frullato e un ambiente per il testing.
C'è tempo fino all'11 ottobre per inviare le proprie idee. Le proposte già inserite le potete vedere cliccando qui
Think Outside the Lunchbox
Create an exciting gastronomy concept and help shape the corporate campus food experience of the year 2025. €14,500 prize pool
adidas, Freudenberg and Markas, in cooperation with atp-Architects and Hilcona, are all part of a "food think tank" and are pioneers in the field of the corporate campus food experience. Merging taste, technology and architecture, they are striving to create cutting-edge ecosystems for corporate gastronomy. In this project they have teamed up to envision the corporate campus food experience of 2025.
The aim of this project is to create a unique corporate food concept with an inspiring vision that defies all of today's preconceptions about the typical food experiences at the corporate campus. Your concepts should enthuse and excite employees, as well as provide as an attractive bonus factor that makes new talents want to work there.
Task Definition
- 1. Select one of the three target groups (Adidas, Freudenberg, Markas) and develop a unique corporate food concept centered around their specific work environment and needs. It is of particular interest how technology (mobile technology) comes into play and will open up new customer experiences.
- 2. Create a concept that shows how technology, connectivity and digital services will enrich and change the eating process and the working experience as a whole - at various touchpoints before, during and after meals. When looking forward to 2025, think more along the lines of Google than Star Trek. Go deep, but don't go overboard. Your ideas should be feasible in the near future.
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