Architects VS rest of the world: com'è cambiato il ruolo dell'architetto? Lo racconta una cartolina

concorso di idee in due fasi

La rete Itinerant Office, all'interno dell'agenda culturale dell'Associazione New Generations, lancia l'opencall Architect VS rest of the world, un progetto editoriale partecipativo che chiede ai concorrenti di rappresentare, attraverso una cartolina da condividere sui social network, com'è cambiato il ruolo dell'architetto con la crisi economica.

Gli organizzatori del concorso hanno inviato a 50 architetti in tutta Europa una cartolina con la domanda "Qual è il ruolo dell'architetto nella società contemporanea?".

Adesso è il momento di coinvolgere "il resto del mondo", chiedendo a varie figure professionali, come ingegneri, designer, politici, fotografi e produttori di film, di partire dalle risposte degli architetti per fornire una propria interpretazione del ruolo del progettista, delle collaborazioni multidisciplinari che un architetto ha la necessità di fare e che importanza assume questa figura nella società contemporanea. 

Architects VS rest of the world is a participatory editorial project conceived by Itinerant Office within the cultural agenda of the Association New Generations. It investigates alternatives ways to produce online content and to mix analogical and technological tools, all with the aim of anticipating future trends.

Since the beginning of the financial crisis our profession has changed significantly. Collaboration, horizontal projects, multidisciplinary teams, unconventional clients and experimental economical models are just a few words to describe these changes. Architecture merges more and more with other disciplines and vice versa. To understand and anticipate these changes a multidisciplinary confrontation is a necessity.

We addressed 50 architects across Europe sending them a postcard with the question: "What is the role of architect in contemporary society?" We recieved a very diverse set of answers, ranging from simple sketches, drawings and short quotes to more elaborate explanations.

Starting from the postcards with the architects answers, we will ask professionals from different backgrounds - engineers, designers, politicians, photographers, movie producers - to share their thoughts on the topic.


Competition is open to engineers, designers, politicians, photographers, movie producers who want to propose their own interpretation on the role of the architect in contemporary society.


Participants have to send their postcards via WeTrasnfer to no later than 21th October, 2016.

All postcards will been shared thoungh our social media (Facebook and Instagram).

Architects VS rest of the world is planning an exhibition and a pubblication.

If you would like to participate send your original postcard to the following address:
Cultural Association
New Generations
Via F.lli Rosselli 15
25086 Rezzato (BS) Italy


Five postcards will be selected via an online vote: the postcards with more "shares" and "likes" on Facebook Gallery will ben involved in the 2nd phase of the projects.

Five more postcards will be selected by our team.

Selected contributors will be announced the 7th of November on our Facebook page.


Being part of Architects VS rest of the world will give you the chance to be involved in other activities organized by Itinerant Office and New Generations.


For further information, please contact us at or visit our website or our Facebook Page.

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