Katus.eu e Lasita Maja AS lanciano il concorso internazionale di design architettonico per cercare soluzioni qualitative, originali e innovative per la creazione di moderni chalet prefabbricati e casette da giardino in legno, in vista di una loro distribuzione sul mercato europeo. Il concorso vuole, inoltre, introdurre gli architetti nella tecnologia produttiva di Lasita Maja AS e rafforzare al collaborazione tra i professionisti e l'azienda produttrice.
I progetti vincitori, oltre a un premio in denaro, avranno la possibilità di instaurare un rapporto di collaborazione a lungo termine durante il quale si procederà alla creazione dei prodotti ideati, guardando contemporaneamente al design, alla qualità e alle esigenze del mercato.
Il bando richiede ai concorrenti di cimentarsi in una delle seguenti 3 tipologie di chalet: • con incastro angolare tradizionale, • con costruzione a sistema murario e • con costruzione a muro componibile.
Il concorso, aperto ad architetti, ingegneri, paesaggisti, designer e gruppi nei quali almeno uno dei componenti rientri in una delle precedenti categorie, si svolge in una sola fase e in forma anonima.
The object of the current architectural design competition is to develop high quality modern and innovative architectural designs of prefabricated wooden cabins that could be distributed all across Europe in collaboration with the producers of log and element cabins.
In addition, the purpose of the contest is also to introduce the production technology of Lasita Maja AS to architects and thus to aim to strengthen the collaboration between architects and manufacturers.
The winning project(s), as well as other design proposals of quality will be developed further in order to elaborate functional end products that will correspond to the market demand. Herewith Lasita Maja AS and Arhitektuurikaubamaja OÜ are inviting you to participate in the competition. We are looking forward to active participation and to receiving interesting, innovative and inspiring designs.
Lasita Maja AS uses different types of wall constructions and thus the prefabricated cabins are divided in 3 different groups/families:
- cabins with traditional corner connection
- cabins with system wall construction
- cabins with sectional wall construction
First the participants of the competition are asked to decide on the constructional type, and then propose design solutions for all 5 cabin types within the same family.
The competition is open without registration to following professionals:
- architects with approved qualifications equivalent to a Master's in architecture;
- landscape architects with qualifications equivalent to a Master's in landscape architecture;
- interior architects with qualifications equivalent to a Master's in interior architecture;
- civil engineers with qualifications equivalent to a Master's in civil engineering;
- product designers with qualifications equivalent to a Master's in product design;
- group of participants of whom at least one architect, landscape architect, interior architect, civil engineer or product designer has been issued with relevant diploma.
The participants have to registrate themselves on www.katus.eu via a given form in order to participate and access the competition materials. There is no participation fee required in order to participate.
The design proposals together with required documentation should be compressed into one .zip file container and sent to the following e-mail address: tiit.sild@katus.eu.
Deadline for submitting the design proposals is February 7, 2017 at 12:00 EET (GMT +03:00).
The bonus fund available for the competition is 8500 EUR and it will be divided as following:
- 1st prize - 3000 EUR
- 2nd prize - 2500 EUR
- 3rd prize - 2000 EUR
- Honourable mention 500 EUR
- Honourable mention 500 EUR
The jury is free to (re)distribute the prize money at its discretion. The jury can not reduce the bonus fund.
The jury will announce the winner(s) latest on March 7, 2017.
- The competition will be announced on November 7, 2016.
- Deadline for submitting the questions is January 20, 2017.
- Deadline for submitting the design proposals is February 7, 2017 (at 23:59 GMT).
More info are available on www.katus.eu.
Le date di scadenza visualizzate sono frutto di attività redazionale. Le uniche date ufficiali sono quelle contenute nel testo del bando e/o sul sito web di chi organizza o promuove il concorso. Controllarne sempre la validità presso l'Ente banditore.
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