L'architettura e il design per la pace tra India e Pakistan: Architrize lancia un concorso di idee

Architrize Architecture Competition invita studenti di architettura e design, architetti e professionisti a partecipare al concorso di idee India | Pakistan - Border of Peace.

L'obiettivo della competizione è quello di creare uno spazio condiviso lungo il confine che separa i due paesi attraverso un intervento di architettura o di design. Il limite non deve più essere un mero luogo di divisione tra i due Stati, ma riunire le comunità di entrambe le parti attraverso l'attivazione di uno spazio pubblico di grande originalità capace di educare le persone alle virtù sociali e all'armonia religiosa.

L'intervento dovrà promuovere la coesistenza reciproca di amicizia e pace tra India e Pakistan e dovrà farsi portavoce di un messaggio di tolleranza attraverso il duplice linguaggio dell'arte e dell'architettura. 

India | Pakistan Border of Peace

The aim of the competition is the creation of a shared space along the border of the two countries through an architectural/design intervention.

The border must not remain a mere division between the two countries, but aim at rejuvenating the community life on both the sides by activating the public spaces in and around the design intervention. It should educate people about the virtues of social and religious harmony and promote the mutual coexistence of friendship and peace between India and Pakistan.

It should propagate the message of peace and harmony through the dual language of art and architecture.


All architecture and design students, as well as professionals are eligible to participate in the competition.

Entrants may register as individuals or as a group consisting of maximum 3 members.


Participants may register by filling the registration form and submitting it with the appropriate payment on website www.architize.com.

  • Early Registration Period (November 07 to November 30) - $15
  • Regular Registration Period (December 01 to December 31) - $20
  • Late Registration Period (January 01 to January 31) - $25


Proposals must be submitted no later than 31 January, 2017 by mailing them to submission@architrize.com.


  • First Prize - $500 + Certificate
  • Second Prize - $200 + Certificate
  • Third Prize - $100 + Certificate
  • 3 Honorable Mentions to be published on the site

Winners will be announced no later than February 14, 2017.


more info: www.architrize.com

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