Iconic, Innovative, Integrative: progettare le case sotto l'Hollywood Sign

concorso di idee

Arch Out Loud, in partnership con Last House on Mulholland, indice il concorso Hollywood, con il quale chiede ai partecipanti di progettare la casa del futuro, caratterizzata dall'uso di tecnologie innovative, dal ricorso a strategie ambientali integrative e dal tentativo di instaurare una stretta relazione con il forte Hollywood Sign. Il concorso è una sfida al concetto tradizionale di progettazione residenziale e all'idea di casa moderna e vuole invitare i concorrenti a pensare a un'abitazione che si inserisca nella natura e nelle nostre vite, oggi come domani.

I progetti dovranno rispondere a tutte le esigenze tipiche di una casa moderna, predisponendo spazi per dormire, per mangiare, per rilassarsi e per stare insieme, adatti ad una o più persone. Nonostante la libertà che viene lasciata ai partecipanti per quanto riguarda l'organizzazione degli spazi interni e la scelta dell'involucro esterno, ci sono delle caratteristiche che le proposte devono avere, ovvero essere case:

  • iconiche, perché devono raccontare la location iconica in cui si inseriscono
  • innovative, perché devono rispecchiare gli edifici del XXI secolo e portare ad una rivalutazione dei concetti di vivere e lavorare
  • integrative, perché devono essere rispettose del contesto storico, culturale, sociale e ambientale in cui si inseriscono.

La giuria selezionerà, tra le proposte pervenute, 50 finalisti e, tra questi, i vincitori dei primi tre premi in denaro e i 10 progetti meritevoli di menzioni d'onore. Saranno assegnati, inoltre, i Directors' e Owners' Awards, rispettivamente da Arch Out Loud e da Steve Alper, fondatore di Last House on Mulholland.

Arch Out Loud is partnering with Last House on Mulholland (LHOM) to host the HOLLYWOOD design competition.

The HOLLYWOOD competition will serve as a design charette to explore the potential of the site, its relation to the Hollywood Sign and the surrounding park and community. Participants will have the freedom to explore the home's program, design style, and contextual relationship.

The competition will challenge the traditional approach to residential design as well as the nature of a modern day home. Participants will study the role a home plays in our lives, both today and in the future. 

Participants may chose certain objectives and programs on which to focus. Regardless of any chosen focus, all proposals should aim to express the iconic location, innovative design, and integration into the local context.

    - Capitalizing on the prominence of the site location.
    - Exploring the concept of icon in the built environment.
    - Creating a new perspective for a 21st century home.
    - Rethinking our view on living and working in a home.
    - Investigating measures of sustainability in residential living.
    - Preserving and enhancing the history and nature of the local neighborhood and community.


Teams may be formed by one (1) individual or up to four ( 4) members. Team members can come from different countries and universities.

Additionally, interdisciplinary teams are allowed, although it is recommended that at least one member have an architectural background.


Each team must register on www.archoutloud.com/-register no later than 9 February 2017.

Following registration each team will receive a confirmation email with an order number located in the top right corner. The number will be necessary for project submission. 

Payments for registering teams in the competition are made through the arch out loud web page portal. A team is not officially registered and will not receive the registration package until it completes the payment process.

Competition fees are:

  • Advance Registration: 45 $
  • Early Registration: 65 $
  • Regular Registration: 85 $ 

Proposals must be submitted on www.archoutloud.com/-submit no later than 10 February 2017


Total Awards Package 6,000 $

All proposals will be considered in order to determine 50 submissions that will advance to the final round. Projects will advance based on the outlined competition objectives and evaluation criteria. The jury will select winners after review of each finalist's proposal. The jury's decision is final and sovereign in determining the overall winner, second place, third place and 10 honorable mentions.

Directors' Choice award will be determined by the arch out loud competition organizers. The award will be given following the announcement of winners.

Owners' Choice award will be determined by the site owner, Steve Alper. The award will be given following the announcement of winners.

  • 1st place winner: 3,000 $ + certificate
  • 2nd place winner: 2,000 $ + certificate
  • 3rd place winner: 1,000 $ + certificate
  • 10 Honorable Mentions: certificate and publication
  • Directors' Choice Award: certificate and publication
  • Owners Choice Award: certificate and publication


Advanced Registration - January 3-14
Early Registration - January 15-26
Regular Registration - January 27- February 9th
Submission Deadline - February 10th


more info


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