Nuove case per rispondere alla carenza di alloggi a New York

concorso di idee

Bee Breeders Competitions, in collaborazione con New York Build exhibition, lancia il concorso di idee New York Affordable Housing Challenge per raccogliere soluzioni relative alla mancanza di alloggi nella città di New York.

Come ha affermato Bill de Blasio, la Grande Mela è reduce da un successo che ha portato imprese, studi e semplici cittadini a trasferirsi nella metropoli in pianta stabile. Questo fenomeno ha generato una "crisi di accessibilità" per i newyorkesi, che hanno visto crescere notevolmente i costi di mantenimento degli alloggi e nascere dei quartieri economicamente insostenibili per gli abitanti.

Ai partecipanti viene richiesto di progettare nuove case e comunità accessibili a tutti e basati sull'utilizzo di risorse limitate, sia in termini di finanze che di spazio disponibile. Le proposte dovranno essere caratterizzate da flessibilità e versatilità per adattarsi alle diverse zone della città di New York e per adeguarsi alle esigenze e ai bisogni dei cittadini.

I vincitori, oltre ad accedere a premi in denaro, avranno l'opportunità di partecipare alla New York Build Exhibition, che si svolgerà nel marzo del 2017, un'importante manifestazione nel campo delle costruzioni e dell'architettura. 

Bee Breeders are working in collaboration with the New York Build exhibition to run the New York Affordable Housing Challenge. This open architecture ideas competition looks to create a solution to New York's ever-increasing housing shortage. Working with limited resources, in terms of both finance and space, participants are challenged to create diverse homes and communities open to all within the city.

In the words of Bill de Blasio, New Yorkers have a "crisis of affordability" on their hands. This is a crisis built upon the success that the city has had in recent decades. These years have made the city safer, and more appealing, for people from all over the world to come and start businesses, studies, and their lives.

This has put a huge strain on housing stock, and has led to New Yorkers having to spend increasing amounts to cover their housing expenses and have made entire neighbourhoods unaffordable. Diversity is part of the fabric from which New York City was cut, so it is becoming ever important to ensure that New York is open for all, regardless of background.

This competition acts as a challenge to the architectural community. To those just starting out in the industry as well as those who are known across the world, the question is this. How do we use the limited resources, both in terms of plots of land and the availability of finance, to create homes and communities that can continue to be diverse and open to all?

The winning entries will be revealed at the New York Build exhibition in March 2017, with special awards being offered to student entries and those incorporating sustainable best practices. The New York Build exhibition is the leading construction and design event for the thriving metropolitan area, and an amazing opportunity for architects of all levels to showcase their work to the industry.


Competition is open for all. No professional qualification is required. Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams (4 team members maximum).


In order to participate in the Competition, entrants must register through the Bee Breeders registration panel as Students, Enthusiasts and Companies.

Registration fees are the following:

  • Early Bird Registration (3 Jan - 18 Jan 2017)
    - Enthusiasts and Companies: $ 90
    - Students: $ 70
  • Advance Registration (19 Jan - 8 Feb 2017)
    - Enthusiasts and Companies: $ 120 
    - Students: $ 80
  • Last Minute Registration
    - Enthusiasts and Companies: $ 140
    - Students: $ 90


Submissions to the Competition should be made solely through the specified upload panel at no later than 23 February 2017.


3 winning proposals + 2 special awards and 6 honourable mentions will be selected. Bee Breeders will award a total of US $6,000 in prize money to competition winners as follows:

  • 1st Prize US $3,000
  • 2nd Prize US $1,500
  • 3rd Prize US $500
  • NYB Green Award US $500
  • Rising Star Award (Students Only) US $500 & INTERNSHIP

All participants are eligible to receive the "NYB Green Award". The jury will evaluate the submitted projects based on the best sustainability practices for: construction methods, materials used, logistics, maintenance and innovation.

We welcome any student of architecture to get involved and submit their own design entry for the "Rising Star Award". The leading student design will win $500 and also will have the opportunity to become an intern at a New York architecture practice.


  • Early Bird Registration JAN 3 - JAN 18 2017
  • Advance Registration JAN 19 - FEB 8 2017
  • Last Minute Registration FEB 9 - FEB 23 2017
  • Closing date for registration & submission 23 FEB 2017 (11.59pm GMT)
  • Announcement of the winners MARCH 15, 2017

more info


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