Concéntrico 03: un'opera architettonica temporanea per Revellín Plaza al Logroño's Architecture and Design Festival

La Rioja Architects Cultural Foundation lancia, in occasione di Concéntrico 03, Logroño's Architecture and Design Festival in programma per il periodo compreso tra il 27 aprile e l'1 maggio 2017, il concorso Design Competition and Intervention at Revellín Plaza at Concéntrico 03.

Agli artisti e creativi di tutto il mondo si richiede di progettare un intervento architettonico temporaneo per la piazza nell'ambito di una collezione di sette installazioni che verranno posizionate in luoghi diversi del centro storico della città per l'intera durata del festival.

I vincitori avranno la possibilità di ideare e realizzare l'opera direttamente sul luogo.

Concéntrico 03 open two competitions in 2017, only one opened out of Spain: Design competition and intervention at Revellín Plaza at Concéntrico 03.

The competition is open to any creators (individuals or collectives) who propose ephemeral interventions within any of the disciplines of art, design and architecture.

We propose the creation of an ephemeral architectural intervention at Revellín Plaza; this intervention will be part of the architectural collection of seven installations and one pavilion; this collection will be set up in different locations throughout the city's Historic Center for the duration of the Festival.

The competition encompasses both the design of the intervention and the subsequent construction and disassembly of the same by the winning team.


The competition is open to any creators (individuals or collectives) who propose ephemeral interventions within any of the disciplines of art, design and architecture.


Materials may be delivered in person, by mail ( or by courier to Oficina de la Sede de la Fundación Cultural de los Arquitectos de La Rioja (C/ Barriocepo, 40, 2ª Planta. 26001 Logroño, Spain). Proposals must be presented by Tuesday, February 28, 2017.


2.000 € + IVA


  • Honoraria, non-Garnica materials, construction and disassembly of the intervention.
  • The prize shall be rewarded after the close of the Festival.
  • The winning team will sign a contract with the FCAR detailing the proper process for constructing and disassembling the intervention.
  • This compensation is subject to obligatory fiscal discounts.
  • The prize may be declared void by unanimous decision of the jury.


  • 1 p.m. February 28, 2017: Deadline for delivery of proposal.
  • March 6 - 10, 2017: Publication of the jury's decision.
  • April 25 - 26, 2017: Construction of intervention.
  • April 27 - May 1, 2017: Concéntrico 03, Logroño's Architecture and Design Festival.
  • May 2: Disassembly.


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