CAU/DAU (Departamento de Arquitetura e Urbanismo-PUC-Rio), CAAU (Centro Acadêmico de Arquitetura e Urbanismo-PUC-Rio) e i professor Otavio Leonidio e Michel Masson lanciano il concorso di idee per studenti e neolaureati in Architettura, Arte e Designer Reconvexo, con il quale si ricercano proposte per recuperare i binari della metropolitana di Rio de Janeiro rimasti inutilizzati dopo l'opera di ampliamento della linea.
Il nuovo tratto doveva essere inaugurato insieme agli altri, i cui lavori sono stati eseguiti in occasione delle Olimpiadi di Rio 2016. A causa della crisi finanziaria dello Stato, tuttavia, l'esecuzione del lavoro di espansione è rimasto sospeso a tempo indeterminato. Ne deriva una grande quantità di elementi prefabbricati in calcestruzzo senza una destinazione certa.
L'obiettivo del concorso è proprio quello di reinterpretare questi spazi, proponendo nuovi possibili utilizzi e dando loro significati differenti.
Le proposte dovranno esprimere il significato dell'eredità olimpica, promuovere la valorizzazione dello spazio urbano e una maggiore equità nell'utilizzo dello stesso da parte della popolazione, utilizzare quanto più possibile il materiale a disposizione e, pur essendo un concorso di idee, tener conto della fattibilità tecnica.
Reconvexo is a competition of ideas for the reuse of the remaining staves from the expansion works of Rio de Janeiro's Subway. There are more than 6,000 staves originally intended for the tunnel connecting Line 4 to Gávea Station. This stretch should have been inaugurated along with other stretches executed for the Olympic Games Rio2016. Today, due to the financial crisis in the State of Rio de Janeiro, the execution of this expansion work is indefinitely on hold. The result is a huge amount of precast concrete parts with no certain destination. To reinterpret its possible uses, to redefine its meaning: this is the purpose of the Reconvexo Competition.
Proposals should:
- Interpret the meaning of the Olympic legacy. In other words, they should question how punctual public investment can improve the city and the ways in which its inhabitants can relate to it
- Promote the enhancement of urban space and greater equity in the population's access to it
- Use as much as possible of the available material
- Use the staves within the municipality of Rio de Janeiro Comments
- There are no restrictions of any kind on how the parts will be used
- Use the virtual models of the staves made available in attached annex to this edict
- The accuracy of these models is approximate, however, in order to match the proposals, the models cannot be changed, under penalty of disqualification
- Despite being a competition of ideas, and as such not being tied to technical feasibility, the proposals are expected to be based on structural common sense.
Competition is open to university students or teams of students in the fields of Architecture, Arts, Engineering, Design, or any other courses that are interested in the subject. Newly graduated students with less than one year of graduation.
Each registered team can send only one proposal.
Registration is done by sending the Identification Form and the payment of the registration fee. The Identification Form must be sent to:
The registration fee for each team in the contest is R$ 150.00 (about 45 €). Payment of the registration fee will be made by credit cardthrough the following link:
The works must be sent in digital format to the organization via email to:, until midnight of April 21st, 2017.
- 1st place: R$ 3,000.00
- 2nd place: R$ 2,000.00
- 3rd place: R$ 1,000.00
Diplomas will be awarded to the 3 winners and the honorable mentions designated by the Jury.
The winning works will be published in the Digital Magazine of the Center of Architecture and Urbanism of PUC-Rio - PRUMO. The winning works will be sent to various architecture websites to publicize the results of the competition.
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