Bee Breeders Competitions lancia, in collaborazione con VUDIS Modular Unit Manufacturer, un concorso di idee per trovare soluzioni innovative per affrontare un problema sentito a livello globale come la presenza di container all'interno dei cantieri edili.
I partecipanti dovranno neutralizzare l'impatto visivo negativo dei container sui paesaggi urbani sfruttando la loro superficie come una risorsa per migliorare la città. La richiesta è quella della trasformazione di un aspetto negativo in punto di forza che sia anche funzionale.
Il concorso è aperto alle osservazioni di partecipanti provenienti da tutti i paesi del mondo e con qualsiasi tipo di esperienza. I progetti potranno offrire semplici soluzioni estetiche o proporre una rivoluzione di tutto il processo costruttivo, optando per un'alternativa sostenibile ai container edilizi che abbiano un impatto meno violento sul paesaggio urbano.
Le soluzioni proposte dovranno essere versatili al punto da poter essere utilizzate in diversi contesti. Bisognerà prendere in considerazione il progetto costruttivo che richiede un numero differente di container con funzioni differenti. Potrebbe essere una soluzione singola o un gruppo di container con uffici, spogliatoi e altre funzioni temporanee utili ai bisogni degli operai impegnati nei lavori.
The Construction Container Facelift competition, in partnership with VUDIS Modular Unit Manufacturer, is calling on designers to find creative solutions to tackle this global problem at its core. Participants are tasked with neutralising the negative visual impact of the construction containers on cityscapes by tapping into the containers' surfaces as an unclaimed resource for enhancing the city. Turning a negative into a positive and improving the city visually and perhaps even functionally.
This is an open architecture ideas competition, welcoming submissions and participants from all countries and all levels of experience. The brief is flexible, allowing for projects that offer purely aesthetic solutions and those that propose a revolution of the entire construction process, with the containers being replaced with alternative and more sustainable options that have less of an impact on the cityscape.
Design solutions for this competition must be versatile enough so that they can be applied to various different situations. They would need to take into consideration construction projects that require a differing number and type of containers with different functions. This could be a single construction container serving a single function, or perhaps a stack of containers with offices, changing rooms and other temporary facilities to meet the construction workers' needs. The proposed solution will need to be suitable for all situations.
Competition is open to all. No professional qualification is required. Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams (4 team members maximum).
In order to participate in the Competition, entrants must register through the Bee Breeders registration panel as Students, Enthusiasts and Companies no later than October 6, 2017. Registration fees are the following:
- Early Bird Registration
Enthusiasts and companies: US $90
Students: US $70 - Advance Registration
Enthusiasts and companies: US $120
Students: US $100 - Last Minute Registration
Enthusiasts and companies: US $140
Students: US $120
All submissions must be uploaded via the upload panel at no later than November 3, 2017.
3 winning proposals, 2 special award recipients and 6 honourable mentions will be selected. Bee Breeders will award a total of US $6,000 in prize money to competition winners as follows:
- 1st Prize: US $3,000
- 2nd Prize: US $1,500
- 3rd Prize: US $500
- BB Student Award: US $500
- BB Green Award: US $500
- 6 Honourable Mentions
- Early Bird Registration | 30 MARCH - 24 MAY
- Advance Registration | 25 MAY - 19 JULY
- Last Minute Registration | 20 JULY - 6 OCTOBER
- Closing date for registration | 6 OCTOBER, 2017
- Closing date for submissions | 3 NOVEMBER, 2017
- Announcement of the winners | 7 DECEMBER, 2017
more info
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