People's Landscape Video Contest "Landscapes of the future": gli studenti europei filmano il paesaggio del futuro

La rete internazionale di Università Europee UNISCAPE annuncia il concorso People's Landscape Video Contest "Landscapes of the future", con il quale intende ricercare una prospettiva innovativa sul paesaggio del futuro, capace di ritrarre e comunicare il ritmo e la velocità delle nostre vite. I progetti dovranno integrare ai video dei brevi testi, dei racconti che mescolino in un flash le esperienze dei partecipanti e le riflessioni sul tema proposto dal contest.

. La competizione è aperta a studenti con età compresa tra i 18 e i 35 anni iscritti in una qualsiasi università europea ed è considerata da UNISCAPE un'occasione per coinvolgere gli studenti nel dibattito sul paesaggio del futuro ma anche per incoraggiarli a partecipare alla diffusione della Convenzione Europea del Paesaggio condividendo e integrando la loro personale percezione dell'ambiente che li circonda.


The sta of UNISCAPE is pleased to invite you to participate in our new contest: People's Landscape Video Contest "Landscapes of the Future". Why a video contest? Because we're looking for an innovative perspective on landscape future, that can portray and communicate the rhythm and pace of our daily lives. The project we are looking for integrates a short text, which is a tale mingling in a ash your experience and re ection on the theme proposed by our contest "LANDSCAPES OF THE FUTURE".

UNISCAPE considers this an occasion not only to involve students in the discussion about Landscape Futures, but also to encourage them to participate in the diffusion of the European Landscape Convention by sharing and integrating their particular perception of landscape, defined in the ELC as "an area, as perceived by people, whose character is the result of the action and interaction of natural and/or human factors".


Competition is addressed to students from 18 to 35 years old a ending any European university. 

Participants can join as individuals or as a group. The contest has no entry fee


The deadline for the submission of proposals is 15th May 2017.

Proposal submission must be made on UNISCAPE official web site ( by filling the application form on-line, which includes the box for the accompayning text, and uploading the video and the proof of regular inscription to University in the apposite section. 

Each participant or group can propose up to 3 works for the call.


  • 1st prize: 500,00 euros
    Official publication on NIPmagazine and UNISCAPE website.
    Possibility to a end the International Conference "Landscape Futures", that will be held in Copenhagen between 19th to 21st June 2017. 
  • 2nd prize: 300,00 euros
    Official publication of the work on NIPmagazine and UNISCAPE website.
    Presentation of the video at the International Conference "Landscape Futures". 
  • 3rd prize: 200,00 euros
    Official publication of the work on UNISCAPE's website.
    Presentation of the video at the International Conference "Landscape Futures". 

Brief | Advice

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UNISCAPE Legal Headquarters and Office:
Palazzo Fenzi via San Gallo, 10 - 50129, Firenze, Italy

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