Sono aperte le iscrizioni al concorso di architettura "SKYHIVE Skyscraper Challenge" organizzato da Bee Breeders, in collaborazione con Manipal Executive Education.
Le risorse naturali scarseggiamo ma con le più recenti tecnologie è possibile reinventare il concetto di "grattacielo". Si chiede ai partecipanti di creare una torre utilizzando tecnologie e materiali avanzati con nuove organizzazioni spaziali basandosi sugli ultimi studi sulla globalizzazione, flessibilità, adattabilità e sulla rivoluzione digitale.
Il concorso SKYHIVE va considerato come un momento di riflessione sul rapporto tra grattacielo e ambiente, grattacielo e comunità, grattacielo e città.
Il vincitore oltre a ricevere un premio di U$ 3.000 potrà partecipare gratuitamente al Global Tall Building Studio - Design Workshop in Dubai che si terrà nella primavera del 2018.
Bee Breeders, in partnership with the Manipal Executive Education, is calling for submissions for the SKYHIVE Skyscraper Challenge architecture competition.
Participants are tasked with researching and implementing the latest technologies to reinvent the very concept of a skyscraper. Taking into account the scarcity of natural resources, and the potential strain on the current infrastructure, this open ideas competition is a chance for architecture enthusiasts to spread their creative wings and create the skyscraper of the 21st century.
The participants are permitted to choose a hypothetical site (130m x 80m) accessed by roads on two sides both longer and shorter side of the site, located in a city of their choice and follow the local bye laws of the city municipal rules and regulations as prescribed. The site context and surroundings are to be assumed. This is an open architecture ideas competition, and as such participants have complete freedom to interpret the brief in the most creative way possible. Competition aims for the submitted projects that have the potential to rewrite the definition of the modern-day skyscraper.
Competition is open to all. No professional qualification is required. Design proposals can be developed individually or by teams (4 team members maximum).
29 November, 2017 | Closing date for registration
20 December, 2017 (11.59pm GMT) | Closing date for project submission
17 January, 2018 | Announcement of the winners
3 winning proposals and 6 honourable mentions will be selected. Bee Breeders will award a total of US $6,000 in prize money to competition winners as follows:
- 1st Prize US $3,000
- 2nd Prize US $1,500
- 3rd Prize US $500
- BB Student Award US $500
- BB Student Award US $500
- 6 Honourable Mentions
The winning team will have the chance to join the Global Tall Building Studio - Design Workshop in Dubai in Spring 2018 as a participant for free*. In addition Manipal University Dubai School of Design & Architecture also agrees to sponsor a guided tour of the Burj Khalifa for the winning team as well as award all competition participants a Special Entry Fee - US $595 (the competition participants have to quote their UIC (unique identification code) which will be verified by Bee Breeders, making them eligible for the special discount). * All expenses like airfare, accommodation, visa if any will have to be borne by the participants.
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