Agrob Buchtal, in collaborazione con AIT-Dialog, lancia la quarta edizione del 2017 Tile Award, aperto ad architetti e interior designer con età inferiore ai 38 anni chiamati a progettare nuove piastrelle in ceramica. La competizione cerca idee avanzate e innovative che illustrano le diverse possibilità di design che il materiale offre.
L'obiettivo del concorso è quello di ridisegnare un interno usando piastrelle in ceramica e mira a mostrare come questo prodotto può diventare parte integrante di un progetto di design in maniera innovativa e creativa. I temi dell'anno sono i colori e i pattern. I concorrenti potranno presentare i loro progetti in tre categorie.
Tra coloro che presenteranno le loro proposte, in una prima fase, la giuria selezionerà le nove migliore idee, i cui autori, nella fase successiva, parteciperanno a un workshop in Islanda, in occasione del quale avranno la possibilità di presentare i loro progetti e di sviluppare la loro idea con gli esperti di Agrob Buchtal.
For the fourth time, the Tile Award newcomer competition by AGROB BUCHTAL in collaboration with AIT‐Dialog calls upon architects and interior designers under the age of 38 to design new, unconventional and sensational interiors with ceramic tiles. The competition looks for creative and advanced ideas, which illustrate the varied design possibilities the material has to offer
The task of the competition is the (re)design of an interior by using tiles. The competition is not about the design of a new tile but about showing how tiles can be incorporated in a design in an innovative and creative way. Three categories are available. Participants are allowed to work on several categories.
The competition is split into two phases.
Phase I: A renowned expert jury selects the nine best ideas from all entries.
Phase 2: the nine winners are invited to a workshop in Iceland. There they are given the opportunity to present their results and further develop their ideas together with experts from AGROB BUCHTAL. In the course of the workshop, floor plans and isometric drawings are developed for the designs. The implementation framework and the budget are specified beforehand, and the projects can be refined in terms of an eventual feasibility.
The workshop is followed by a second jury session, during which the most creative results are determined. These works are implemented on a scale of 1:1 and documented in a professional photo shooting.
Architects and interior designers under the age of 38, who have at least two years professional experience, can enter the competition.
The registration must be completed by filling out the application form and sending it to the email address by 9 June 2017.
Every participants must submit their work by sending it via mail, at the specified address, or via email at no later than 16 June 2017.
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