
concorso di idee

The Antibes World Festival of underwater images takes a new direction as well as opening, in the beginning of this new millenium, a new era under the mark of water. Taking deep experience into its past to look for a new future, the Festival wishes to open the door to imagination and creation.

This new competition will serve once more the philosophy of the Festival being a nursery for new talents. It will also be based on the idea that man must be put back together with its natural environment, and especially with the underwater world. Utopia will be the key word for this competition where dreams and passion must drive the young generation to model its destiny.

The competition is open to individuals or groups with no age or nationality limitation. It is divided into three categories:
- Architecture of the sea (open to architects and students in architecture)
- Design (open to designers and students of design schools)
- Open expression (open to everyone)

The theme of the competition is to imagine a blue space based on the concept of green space (category Architecture) or one of its components (underwater observation deck, ship, equipment… (category Design) or whatever amenity or object linked to a global environmental project (category Open expression). Every project must be inspired by a sustainable development spirit and must be implanted within a deeply urbanized maritime zone, real or imaginary.

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