
concorso internazionale di design

The California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) and The Great Valley Center, with the support of the American Institute of Architects, California Council, and private organizations, are partnering in an open one-stage international competition to select a design, and thereby a design team, for a self-sustainable and "off the grid" roadside GreenStop © the word coined to designate a green roadside rest area.

The Sponsors view this as a unique opportunity to create a "green" rest area that can serve as a model for current and future rest stops within the state system, with the ability to be customized so as to be regionally relevant for each location.

While this competition is site specific, the goal of this competition is to serve as a pilot project that will create a new model that could be replicated elsewhere in the state. The competition will address the redevelopment of the existing rest area, and will include interpretive elements that provide opportunities for visitors to better understand the unique qualities and products of the region.

The competition will be conducted from early January through mid-April 2006, and is open to all architects, landscape architects, urban designers, planners, engineers, educators, students and others interested in sustainability issues. Multi-disciplinary teams that include environmental specialists and landscape architects are encouraged.

Prizes include a $10,000 Grand Prize and other awards.

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