Clydebank Re-built: Bridge Canopy

concorso di architettura


The RIAS on behalf of Clydebank re-built invites architects to prepare proposals for a canopy over the Sylvania Way pedestrian bridge across the Forth and Clyde Canal within Clydebank Town Centre.

The competition is open to all registered architects. 


The competition will take the following format:

  • Stage 1: Seeks concept designs (presented on a single A1 sheet) A technical panel and then the jury will assess these anonymously. The jury will compile a shortlist of four finalists for the next stage.
  • Stage 2: The concept designs of the finalists will be exhibited in Clydebank; this public consultation will encourage comments, which will be passed to the jury. The finalists will be invited to attend for interview to present their proposals.  


Brief, plan location, slideshow


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