AMD Architecture dor Humanity: connect the world

Open Architecture Challenge

Imagining a world without the Internet is nearly impossible. Despite the Internet’s global significance, less than 20 percent of the world’s 6 billion people currently have access to the educational, social and economic opportunities it can create. You can change that.

Enter the AMD Open Architecture Challenge and help enable affordable Internet access to 50 percent of the world by 2015.

The AMD Open Architecture Challenge is an open, international design competition. Its aim is to develop not one but many solutions for building sustainable, multi-purpose, low-cost technology facilities for those who need them most. Three community partners have been selected to participate in this year's Challenge. Each site poses a unique set of design constraints and opportunities. While the needs of each client are unique, the hurdles they face in embracing technology to offer access to education, healthcare and the global marketplace are shared by millions of people in communities all over the world.  

Challenge: To design a sustainable multi-purpose technology facility for under-served communities

Submission Deadline: 01/15/2008

Open To: All. Design professionals and non-professionals alike are invited to compete to develop the winning technology center design. Student entries welcomed.

Entry Fee: $25 per site before 12/15/2007; $30 after 12/16/2007; $0 for entries from developing nations. Group rates available for faculty and students. Site Awards: The top entry for each site will be awarded one third of the proceeds from all competition entry fees.

Challenge Award: The winning design team will have the opportunity to work on site with the community partner and Architecture for Humanity to build their design. Register Now! Contact: AMD Open Architecture Challenge 415 332 6273 ext. 320

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