Maier S. Coop competition

concorso di design

The company Maier S. Coop. announces the "Third Maier S. Coop. Design Competition". It is an international competition for the design of Vehicle Interiors.

The aim of the competition is to award prizes for projects consisting of ideas for new products, focusing on vehicle interiors, more specifically for doors, with innovations affecting their opening and closing lifetime and other uses. These new product ideas should be geared to facilitating user operation, simplifying the currently-existing systems, including new features, improving driver and passenger safety, modernising the appearance of the vehicle interior using new decoration techniques or including environmental improvements.

The proposals are to focus on the following products:
* Inside Door Opening Handle.
* Door Panel Handgrip.
* Speaker Grille.
* Door Panel Embellishers.

Any natural person or legal entity may take part in the competition. For information purposes, persons or companies from the following areas could participate:
* Designers and Design Companies.
* Students and Universities.
* Public or Private Design Entities.
* Research and Development Centres.
* Automotive Sector Companies.
* Others.

The deadline for presentation of Projects is 30 April 2009.

- First Prize: Award and 6000 Euros
- Second Prize: Award and 3000 Euros

Further information is available at

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