2010 Skyscraper Competition

concorso internazionale di architettura

eVolo - to study, to develop, to evolve, to fly away... After several years of organizing the annual Skyscraper Competition it has become a renowned architectural prize around the world. The best projects of each competition are widely published from architecture, design, and fashion publications to technology, business, and entertainment magazines. The winning projects are also featured in websites, television documentaries, and galleries.

We would like to invite students and professional architects, engineers, and designers to take part in the 2010 Skyscraper Competition. The main idea of this contest is to examine the relationship between the skyscraper and the natural world, the skyscraper and the community and the skyscraper and urban living.

In the last few years we have seen hundreds of new skyscrapers been developed around the world without careful consideration to the context or environment. There is a constant lack of urban planning and poor architectural design without intellectual or perceptual enjoyment. The aim of the competition is to push our imagination to redefine the term skyscraper through the use of new materials, technology, aesthetics, programs, and spatial organizations. Globalization, environmental warming, flexibility, adaptability, and the digital revolution are just some of the multi-layered elements that should be taken in consideration.

There are no restrictions in regards to site, program or size. The objective is to provide maximum freedom to propose the most innovative projects for this fascinating architectural genre. Ultimately, the designs should help the environment, restructure our cities and improve our way of life. Immediate

Registration All students, architects, engineers, and designers are invited to participate in the competition. It is encouraged to have multidisciplinary teams.

Participants must register by January 12, 2010 at www.evolo-arch.com

Registration fee:
US $60 until November 17, 2009 (early registration)
US $85 from November 17, 2009 to January 12, 2010 (late registration)
One registration = one project. Participants may submit various projects but they must register each entry. Individual entries are accepted. There is no limit on the number of participants per team. After your registration has been approved eVolo will send the registration number which is necessary in the submission boards.

June 15, 2009
Competition announcement, registration begins, acceptance of questions

November 9, 2009
Acceptance of questions deadline

November 17, 2009
Early registration deadline

November 23, 2009
Answers to questions posted on website

January 12, 2010
Late registration deadline

January 18, 2010
Submission deadline

February 22, 2010
Winners' announcement

- 1st place. US $2000
- 2nd place. US $1000
- 3rd place. US $500

eVolo 2010 Skyscraper Competition
570 West 204th Street. 1B, New York, NY 10034

E-mail skyscraper2010@evolo-arch.com | Web: www.evolo-arch.com

For news and updates about the competition follow us at Twitter

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