Summer Academy 2009 - Scenography and Architecture

workshop estivo

The Summer Academy 2009 - Scenography and Architecture is a newly launched project by OISTAT Architecture Commission and collaboration between OISTAT and University of Mozarteum, Salzburg.

During the Baroque Period architecture and the performing arts formed a whole inseparable entity. The aristocracy instructed the great architects of the time to create spaces for theatre. The performance spaces thus influence the production positively.

Over the centuries, architects plan spaces and then stage designers use and work within these spaces provided. This development can well be enhanced with the dialogue between these specialized professions of stage designers and architects. The aim of the academy is to bring together respective viewpoints and experience regarding new spaces for the performing arts.

Summer Academy also offers participants the opportunity to inspect the workshops in Salzburg Festival, to allow visits of rehearsals and to have meetings with professional artists, directors and other crew members of the Salzburg Festival.

Who can apply?
The academy is aimed towards students and professionals, but also to tutors who teach within the field of set design, event and exhibition design.

Date: July 26th, 2009 - August 15th, 2009

Participation fees:
Fees for the 3-week academy amounts:

  • Student holding a valid study confirmation for the expired or coming academic year: 500 + 150 = 650 Euro
  • For professional: 900+ 150= 1,050 Euro.

The fee contains a registration fee of 150 which is not reclaimable by cancellation. Anyone interested for a shorter stay - which is not regular is requested to contact the organizers for special conditions.

Application Deadline
The deadline for application is June 26th, 2009


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