MARC Architetti associati

Qualifiche: architetto, designer, disegnatore CAD, renderer, plasticista, interior designer –Caratteristiche: temporaneo, in sede –Retribuzione: meno di 1000 euro mensili –Provincia: Torino, Torino –Regione: Piemonte –Testo dell’annuncio:MARC has openings for architectural internships that will normally last 3 up to 6 months. MARC is a young office that produces projects with a strong focus on research …Leggi […]

Qualifiche: architetto, designer, disegnatore CAD, renderer, plasticista, interior designer

Caratteristiche: temporaneo, in sede

Retribuzione: meno di 1000 euro mensili

Provincia: Torino, Torino

Regione: Piemonte

Testo dell’annuncio:
MARC has openings for architectural internships that will normally last 3 up to 6 months. MARC is a young office that produces projects with a strong focus on research …

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