Projetto Estero: Architetto progettista con esperienza concreta di cantiere e di interior design (Rwanda) (Z5)

Azienda: Mundi Real Estate Ltd – Qualifiche richieste: architetto, ingegnere, designer, geometra, renderer, interior designer – Caratteristiche: tempo determinato, full-time – Retribuzione: 2000-3000 euro mensili – Provincia: Africa – Regione: Africa – Testo dell’annuncio:RECRUITMENT OF IN-HOUSE ARCHITECT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SHOPPING CENTER IN KIGALI MUNDI Ltd owns a former ‘garage’ (12000 sqm) in […]

Azienda: Mundi Real Estate Ltd

Qualifiche richieste: architetto, ingegnere, designer, geometra, renderer, interior designer

Caratteristiche: tempo determinato, full-time

Retribuzione: 2000-3000 euro mensili

Provincia: Africa

Regione: Africa

Testo dell’annuncio:
RECRUITMENT OF IN-HOUSE ARCHITECT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SHOPPING CENTER IN KIGALI MUNDI Ltd owns a former ‘garage’ (12000 sqm) in an area close to the city center of Kigali that it intends to convert into a ‘street mall’. The project consists of converting existing facilities into shops, integrating a larger space (new built) for a supermarket (appx 3500sqm on two floors) and implementing spaces for other facilities such as a restaurant, bar and a tire fitment center. The construction will be partly contracted to a contractor (the supermarket) but will also be built in-house (refurbishments of garage into shops). MUNDI seeks an in-house architect that has the following credentials: * Strong experiences in retail / commercial development preferably with experiences in shopping centers and street malls, * Hands-on approach that will deliver drawings (conceptual, design, detailed, 3D rendering) with a structural engineering experience, * Hands-on experience in monitoring construction works and to some extend supervise construction works (some in-house construction will take place). * Has a personality that is creative, practical (hands-on approach to the reality of construction in a developing country), persuasive, credible (that can convince the management of MUNDI of his choices), is hardworking and committed to his project (meets the deadlines in time and in quality)and is able to work autonomously. * Is fluent in English. French being optional. MUNDI Ltd is owned by a family of Italian origin established in Rwanda since 1960. The family is active in various fields of trade and services. RWANDA is a country that is experiencing good growth in the region. It is characterized by a good leadership, good governance and progress. Kigali is a very safe place to live with a wonderful weather. The business climate is sound and allows operators to do business in a structured and pleasant manner.

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