Mediterra 2009

proroga dei termini di iscrizione

Mediterra 2009, la conferenza sull'architettura della Terra che si terrà a Cagliari dal 13 al 16 marzo 2009, annuncia che il termine ultimo per poter inviare gli abstract per le partecipazioni è stato posticipato al 20 luglio 2008 a causa dell'alto numero delle richieste.


La conferenza

Framework | Mediterranean countries have carried out numerous activities in the field of earth architecture over the past 30 years and most particularly during the last decade. Traditional architectural typologies have been studied, heritage conservation projects have been developed and more upgrading of professional capacities in this topic and for new architectural applications have been reported. Scientific research on the building materials and technologies contributed to improve the knowledge and the practices. Many more countries are now considering the major challenge to preserve their earth architectural heritages. Considerations that are essential for a regional and local sustainable development in which not only economical and environmental aspects have to be considered but also cultural and societal dimensions, which are decisive for the future. All these progresses are now contributing to build the new base, allowing an historical continuity of the earth building cultures in the Mediterranean region.


Aims | Mediterra 2009 aims principally to assess the state of research related to earth architecture in the Mediterranean region, to study recent developments in the fields of heritage conservation and architectural design as they relate to earth architecture, and to create more active networks among professionals in the region whose work relates to earth architecture.


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