Centre Pompidou-Metz to open in May 2010

France > On May 12, 2010, Centre Pompidou-Metz by Shigeru Ban is going to open its doors during an inaugural event that will go on for five days. The first exhibition, entitled “Chefs-d’œuvre (Masterpieces)?“, will be a reflection on the notion of masterpiece in the XXI Century [Revista Ñ].Images of Centre Pompidou-Metz on Flickr >>> […]

France > On May 12, 2010, Centre Pompidou-Metz by Shigeru Ban is going to open its doors during an inaugural event that will go on for five days. The first exhibition, entitled “Chefs-d’œuvre (Masterpieces)?, will be a reflection on the notion of masterpiece in the XXI Century [Revista Ñ].
Images of Centre Pompidou-Metz on Flickr >>> / A tour of the Pompidou-Metz, video > france3

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