FAD Awards 2013… the finalists

Escuela de Sever do Vouga, Portugal – Arquitecto Pedro Domingos – Foto: Fernando Guerra There are 27 finalists in the FAD Awards for architecture and interior design 2013. The 88% of the 401 entries is from Spain, while the 12% from Portugal. The jury has evaluated “habitability, coexistence of users and sustainability” [ELPAIS.com].

Finalistas de los Premios FAD de Arquitectura 2013 Escuela de Sever do Vouga, Portugal – Arquitecto Pedro Domingos – Foto: Fernando Guerra

There are 27 finalists in the FAD Awards for architecture and interior design 2013. The 88% of the 401 entries is from Spain, while the 12% from Portugal. The jury has evaluated “habitability, coexistence of users and sustainability” [ELPAIS.com].

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