Moscow Federation Tower will be the tallest building in Europe

On the 9th of february the construction of Federation Tower started in Moscow (and is expected to end in 2007). The 500 million dollars building was designed by german architect Peter Schweger of ASP Schweger Assoziirte Gesamtplanung GmbH and by russian transplanted in Germany Sergei Tchoban of nps tchoban voss: rising to a heigh of […]

On the 9th of february the construction of Federation Tower started in Moscow (and is expected to end in 2007). The 500 million dollars building was designed by german architect Peter Schweger of ASP Schweger Assoziirte Gesamtplanung GmbH and by russian transplanted in Germany Sergei Tchoban of nps tchoban voss: rising to a heigh of 340 metres (440 if you include the antenna), the tower will be the tallest in Europe [Architectural Record].

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