p+A news

l'attualità che riguarda l'Architettura in Italia e nel mondo, le notizie serie e le meno serie...

news en • • diseñoHelsinki

Finland: Helsinki to be 2012 World Design Capital

Helsinki was chosen as 2012 World Design Capital by the Icsid (International Council of Societies of Industrial Design), during the final contest against Eindhoven, “thanks to its achievements and the commitment with industrial design”, the Council explained. Election takes place every two years, and before will be Seoul’s turn, in 2010 [La Nacion / Icsid].

2009 Emerging Architecture Awards, Architectural Review

2009 AR Emerging Architecture Awards four winners are: Li Xiaodong Atelier, “Bridge School” in Xiashi, China >>> / ODOS Architects, friary extension in Knocktopher, County Kilkenny, Ireland >>> / Matharoo Associates with their “Curtain Door”, in Surat, India >>> / Jose Maria Sanchez Garcia, Sports Research Centre in Guijo de Granadilla, Caceres, Spain >>>