p+A news

l'attualità che riguarda l'Architettura in Italia e nel mondo, le notizie serie e le meno serie...

news en • • OMA - Rem Koolhaas

Bangkok: MahaNakhon Tower by OMA

Plans for MahaNakhon Tower in Bangkok (Thailand), designed by Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) with Ole Scheeren, has been unveiled. The skyscraper will feature 200 apartments and a 150-room hotel. Construction is scheduled to start at the end of 2009, while the inauguration is foreseen in 2012… [Architectural Record]

news en • • Zaha Hadid

A chamber music hall by Zaha Hadid – Manchester

Zaha Hadid Architects created an auditorium made of fabric, a chamber music hall conceived to listen to Johann Sebastian Bach at Manchester Art Gallery, during the International Festival that goes on until July 18 [ELPAIS.com].Images > dezeen / Video > guardian.co.uk