p+A news

l'attualità che riguarda l'Architettura in Italia e nel mondo, le notizie serie e le meno serie...

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Huaxi Urban Center (Guiyang, China): Dieguez Fridman Associated Architects

New Huaxi urban center is rising a few kilometers from Guiyang, capital city of the Guizhou province, in southern China. The apartment hotel, designed by Dieguez Fridman Associated Architects, starts from the analysis of topography of the surrounding area and from the terraces, used to cultivate rise and spread over the whole region… >>>

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From above, Burj Dubai… images

Images of the Burj Dubai tower (Skidmore, Owings & Merrill), taken from an helicopter by English photographer David Hobcote [ICON].

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2008 Design Miami

2008 Design Miami, from December 3 to 6… video > VernissageTV