p+A news

l'attualità che riguarda l'Architettura in Italia e nel mondo, le notizie serie e le meno serie...

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LOT-EK: ‘Puma City’

‘Puma city’, designed by LOT-EK (Ada Tolla + Giuseppe Lignano), is composed by 24 containers, through which a 12-meters wide space is constructed on three levels: two destined to the brand goods sale and a third conceived to house the bar, concerts and other events… [Judit Bellostes]Images gallery> worldarchitecture.org / euroresidentes.com

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1918-2008: Jørn Utzon died

Copenhagen > Danish architect Jørn Utzon, the creator of Sydney Opera, has died today (11/29/08) of a heart attack at the age of 90, as reported by the digital edition of Politiken newspaper … [La Vanguardia / Reuters]Images > Politiken

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Architectural Review: 2008 Emerging Awards

The winners of the prize granted by Architectural Review magazine to 2008 Emerging Architecture were announced on 11/27/08… the award-winning firms are three: Emiliano Lopez and Monica Rivera Arquitectos for Hotel Aire Bardenas in Tudela (Navarra, Spain), Alberto Mozò for BIP Computers building in Santiago de Chile and Anna Heringer, with Base habitat, Brac University […]

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The selected by Architectural Record… Design Vanguard 2008

Design Vanguard 2008 > Architectural Record magazine (December 2008) selected 10 architectural firms: Atelier Zhanglei, BRS Architectes, Cadaval & Solà-Morales, Daniel Bonilla Arquitectos, Gianni Botsford, Kuehn Malvezzi, MOS, Smiljan Radic, Suppose Design Office, Urban A&O [Architectural Record].