p+A news

l'attualità che riguarda l'Architettura in Italia e nel mondo, le notizie serie e le meno serie...

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St. Loup Chapel by Localarchitecture (Switzerland)

St. Loup Chapel, in Pompaples, Switzerland. It’s a provisional solution, during the two-year restoration period of the community church. The work was designed by Localarchitecture, in partnership with Danilo Mondada and Weinand Study Center (Laboratoire Ibois de l’EPFL)… [Judit Bellostes]Images Gallery >>>

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Sustainable Buildings in Latin America: Holcim Awards 2008

Recently, the winners of the competition for Holcim Awards assigned to sustainable building designs in Latin America were unveiled in Mexico City. The prize went to twelve projects providing innovative solutions for social housing, energy efficiency, community revitalisation and managing of water resouces… Plataforma Arquitectura]

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A skyscraper in Rødovre by MVRDV + ADEPT (Denmark)

Images of “Sky Village”, the winning design entered by MVRDV, together with ADEPT, in the competition for a Skyscraper in Rødovre (Copenhagen, Denmark). The 116-meters high tower will have apartments, a hotel, stores and offices [architectenweb.nl / dysturb.net].

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TEA by Herzog & de Meuron (Spain)

Spain > Information about the recently inaugurated TEA (Tenerife Espacio de las Artes), designed by Herzog & de Meuron [elmundo.es].Images > Canarias24horas.com / Flickr/garbar53sources > architecturephoto.net / dezain.net