p+A news

l'attualità che riguarda l'Architettura in Italia e nel mondo, le notizie serie e le meno serie...

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Skarsfjord cottage by 70°N architects (Norway)

Only 50 Km from Tromsø, Norway, the Skarsfjord holds a hidden paradise of small islands and seasides. The cottage, designed by 70°N architects, looks towards panoramic landscape and sunsets, beyond the range of hills rising above the fiord. Wide glazed panels allow 180° views, while a part of the southern wall can slide to open […]

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Venice: no kind of ceremony for Calatrava’s Bridge opening

Finally, due to the polemics provoked, it was inaugurated without any ceremony, the bridge designed by Santiago Calatrava for the City of Venice. City Council informed that the opening of “Ponte della Costituzione” took place on the night of Thursday 09/11/08, and succeeded in getting together many curious, altough no official announcement had been issued […]

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New Architecture in Poland

Is Warsaw the new Berlin? This the question Wallpaper* magazine is wondering about, comparing today’s construction boom in Poland with the 90’s in Berlin… [Wallpaper*]Images of the designs >>>