p+A news

l'attualità che riguarda l'Architettura in Italia e nel mondo, le notizie serie e le meno serie...

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Chile: the 16th Architecture Biennale

Information about the 16th Architecture Biennale of Chile, taking place in November 2008 at the Museum of Contemporary Art – MAC in Forestal Park, Santiago > bienaldearquitectura.cl

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Second phase of ORDOS 100… designs

ORDOS 100 > Images of some of the designs presented in the second phase > Keller Easterling (New York, United States) / ines huber architektin eth sia (Basel Switzerland) / Ikstudio, Mariana Ibañez + Simon Kim (Cambridge, United States) / iwamotoscott architecture (San Francisco, United States) / JDS architects – Julien De Smedt (Copenhagen, Denmark) […]

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Sinosteel International Plaza by MAD (China)

The Sinosteel International Plaza in Tinajin, China, comprises a 385-meter high office tower, together with a 88-meter high hotel, both designed by Chinese firm MAD [dezeen].

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Restoration of Storefront facade (New York)

New York: images of the restoration of Storefront facade, designed by Steven Holl and Vito Acconci in 1992, from Restorefront, the blog through which we’ll be able to follow works progress [Restorefront].

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Mexico City: Ozuluama by Architects Collective + at.103

Mexico City > Ozuluama, designed by Architects Collective – Kurt Sattler + at.103 – Julio Amezcua and Francisco Pardo. On top of an old building, a new one overlooks, differing from the former by shape. The new apartment looks like a high-situated nomad shelter, whose inhabitants, as they occupy the space in different periods, can […]

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Le Havre, France: aquatic centre by Jean Nouvel

France > Images of “Les Bains des Docks“, the aquatic centre designed by Jean Nouvel in Le Havre. Inauguration took place on July 17, 2008 [Clement Guillaume / Flickr]. Animated rendering > Le Moniteur / The opening, video > poulardinho/Dailymotion source > dezain.net