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l'attualità che riguarda l'Architettura in Italia e nel mondo, le notizie serie e le meno serie...

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Almere (The Netherlands): Municipal sheep stable by 70F architecture

The Netherlands > “In the rural municipality of Almere, habit of breeding ewes and lambs for one’s own consumption lives on. To centralize sheep farm, guaranteeing the quality of care, the preservation of a traditional local business and the conditions of urban environment, town council promoted the construction of this municipal stable“… designed by 70F […]

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First phase of ORDOS 100… the designs

ORDOS 100 > Images of some of the first phase (the four last) designs > Tham & Videgård Hansson Arkitekter (Stockholm, Sweden) / MIMARLAR (Istanbul, Turkey) / Jan De Vylder architecten (Ghent, Belgium) / Rafi Segal Architect (Princeton, United Kingdom) / others > 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5All of the first […]

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First phase / ORDOS 100… more designs

ORDOS 100 > Images of some of the first phase designs > R&Sie(n) (Paris, France) / Luca Selva Architekten (Basel, Switzerland) / Senan Architects (Jerusalem, Israel) / Testbedstudio Architects (Stockholm, Sweden) / others > 1 / 2 / 3 / 4All of the first phase designs > ordos100.com