p+A news

l'attualità che riguarda l'Architettura in Italia e nel mondo, le notizie serie e le meno serie...

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Summer house by Tham & Videgård (Sweden)

Sweden: the summer house designed by Swedish architecture firm Tham & Videgård is situated in the area of Stockholm archipelago [David Report]. source > MoCo Loco

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Renzo Piano: California Academy of Sciences

US: the new facility designed by Renzo Piano for California Academy of Sciences is under construction in San Francisco. One of its most important features is the wavy green roof, which is going to generate not only benefits related to its sustainability, but also views from the interior rooms, connecting exhibition spaces with the external. […]

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2007 Stirling Prize: the finalists

England: the 6 finalists for 2007 Stirling Prize, awarded by RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects), were announced. The winner will be unveiled on the next 6th of October [BBC].

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Torre Bicentenario by OMA (Mexico City)

Torre Bicentenario, designed by OMA – Office for Metropolitan Architecture, is going to rise in downtown Mexico City. It will become the tallest building of Latin America, when inaugurated in 2012, the year of the 200th anniversary of Mexican Independence [OMA].