p+A news

l'attualità che riguarda l'Architettura in Italia e nel mondo, le notizie serie e le meno serie...

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Getafe (Madrid): Museum of Aviation by Norman Foster

Spain > Norman Foster has been assigned to design the Museum of Aviation, due to rise in Getafe. Only some sketches of the building were presented: it is going to comprise a round platform on which airplanes will be placed, and also an auditorium with multipurpose rooms. Opening is scheduled for 2009… [Urbanity]

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Venice Biennale: opening of the 52nd International Art Exhibition

Displaying the works of artists from 76 countries, that include a strong representative from Latin America, the 52nd edition of the International Art Exhibition at Venice Biennale opened last Sunday (06/10/07) [BBC / elmundo.es / Corriere della Sera]. Images from the following Flickr sets > VernissageTV / kalte_sterne / Giacomo Cosua More images > Corriere […]

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A Blog about Zaha Hadid

On the occasion of the exhibition entitled Zaha Hadid Architecture + Design, scheduled at the London Design Museum from June 29 to November 25, 2007, the English website dezeen presents the Zaha Hadid Blog, with interviews, news and images of her works… > zahahadidblog.com To start, images of construction site of the Guangzhou Opera House […]

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Le Corbusier on exhibition at the Reina Sofía (Madrid)

Madrid > This exhibition at the Reina Sofia Museum emphasizes not the architectural, but the plastic and sculptural side of Le Corbusier's work, showing as much quality as in his buildings. The spirit within the shapes brightens his paitings, in the same way it does for his architecture … [elmundo.es] Images > ELPAIS.com.

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Solar energy to convert the Vatican

Pope Benedict XVI is going to be the first pontifex to take advantage of solar power for providing energy to the Vatican. Next year, the damaged tiles in the roof of Paul VI Auditorium, designed by Pier Luigi Nervi and built in 1969, will be replaced by photovoltaic cells, to convert light into electricity [BBC: […]