p+A news

l'attualità che riguarda l'Architettura in Italia e nel mondo, le notizie serie e le meno serie...

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San Candido (Italy): the ‘Esker Haus’ by Plasma Studio

The "Esker Haus" (esker stands for "stratified geological formation"), designed by Plasma Studio in San Candido (Italy), is a single family dwelling located on top of a '60s house. The addition has been conceived as a protrusion of the original building, forming part of its structure, but gradually differentiates until adopting its own language. It's […]

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Oscar Niemeyer Cultural Center (Brazil)

The Oscar Niemeyer Cultural Center in Goiânia is a big building complex (17,000 sqmtrs) dedicated to art, named after the renown architect, who has never designed anything in that city. The scheme is simple: four differently shaped and destined volumes on a rectangular esplanade… [ ARCOweb]

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A ‘zero-carbon’ city…by Foster + Partners

Foster + Partners unveiled a huge urban development in Abu Dhabi, describing it as the first city with no carbon emissions…"zero carbon, zero waste city"…Inauguration is scheduled for the end of 2009 [dezeen]. source > move your mind

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Johnston Marklee & Associates: Hill House

Johnston Marklee & Associates' design for the Hill House, situated in Pacific Palisades (Los Angeles – California), was conceived under conditions generated by difficulties pertaining to construction site…The scheme of the house capitalizes these limitations deriving from the lot and the constraints imposed by building law, turning them into the opportunity to mouldonly apparently fickle […]

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Conteporary Argentinean Architecture at hEX

Special > Images from "hEX", exhibition dedicated to Contemporary Argentinean Architecture, going on at the CCEBA (Cultural Center of Spain in Buenos Aires) until June 2, 2007 >>>