p+A news

l'attualità che riguarda l'Architettura in Italia e nel mondo, le notizie serie e le meno serie...

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Niteroi (Brazil): inauguration of the Popular Theatre by Oscar Niemeyer

Brazil > 99-years-old Oscar Niemeyer inaugurated (04/05/2007) "Popular Theatre" in the city of Niteroi: it was – as in his own words – the most challenging building of all his career and the most affected by delays… [terra / estado.com.br / ELPAIS.com] Some images from Flickr >>

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Sejima + Nishizawa: EPFL Learning Center (Switzerland)

At the end of 2004 SANAA (Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa) won the competition for the Learning Center of the Lausanne Federal Polytechnic School (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, EPFL) in Switzerland… Construction was scheduled to start in January 2007 (?), while its inauguration is expected in 2009… More > archidose

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Alto Rungue (Chile): Deck House by Assadi + Pulido

Chile > Deck House (Alto Rungue), designed by Assadi + Pulido… The view of Rungue place seemed like a plane inclined towards the valley, with the Coast Mountain Chain as backdrop. The site suggested a wide terrace, an esplanade from which one could see that landscape in its totality… The design concept was a wooden […]

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100 11th Avenue: Jean Nouvel in New York

"100 11th Avenue" is a 72-unit apartment building, designed by Jean Nouvel in New York. Its inauguration is scheduled for 2008 [arcspace / triplemint]. Other images: skyscraperpage.com

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21_21 Design Sight (Tokyo): Tadao Ando on display

On March 30, 2007, the display entitled "Tadao Ando Construction Site 2006 – A Hard-Fought Process" inaugurated the exhibition space "21_21 Design Sight", designed by Tadao Ando in Tokyo… Images > jeansnow.net / Flickr