p+A news

l'attualità che riguarda l'Architettura in Italia e nel mondo, le notizie serie e le meno serie...

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The ‘Watercube’ for Beijing 2008 is almost complete…

Beijing 2008 > External panels of Watercube, the National Swimming Centre designed by Australian firm PTW, were finally put in place on the past 4th of November. The roof is due to be finished at the end of 2006…[Tracking Beijing 2008 Olympics / Archrecord]

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‘The Critical Mass’: a sustainable disco

The Rotterdam club Off Corso has become the first sustainable discoteque. The concept, based on the idea of converting to electricity the dance floor vibrations, was developed by Enviu + Döll-Atelier voor Bouwkunst and presented as “The Critical Mass” on October 14th, 2006… Video > na/blog source > Edgar Gonzalez weblog

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Sebastian Irarrazaval: Pedro Lira House in Santiago (Chile)

Santiago, Chile > The Pedro Lira House, designed by Sebastian Irarrazaval, originates from three elements: a patio elevated above the street, a mixed route featuring stairs and ramps that connect parking with covered space, and a perimeter wall outlining the land next to the house… >>>

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Sketching the furniture

Sketch Furniture, developed by Swedish firm Front, can convert in real pieces the lines sketched in the air… These sketches are recorded by Motion Capture, that renders them into 3D digital archives: they are then materialized through Rapid Prototyping. Video > na/blog [Move your mind]

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Nuno Grande + Pedro Gadanho: House in Carreço (Viana do Castelo, Portugal)

The House in Carreço (district of Viana do Castelo) was conceived by Portuguese architects Nuno Grande + Pedro Gadanho. A huge 8-meter overhang, on which a big balcony is founded, suspended over the garden, horizontally extends cubic shape imposed by plan and regulations to the 2-storey building. The resulting volume, elongated and light, harmonizes with […]