p+A news

l'attualità che riguarda l'Architettura in Italia e nel mondo, le notizie serie e le meno serie...

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Pavilions at the Venice Architecture Biennale

Venice > from the 10th Architecture Biennale, images of “Unknown Japanese Architecture and Cities” (Japan Pavilion) and “Spain [f.] we, the cities” (España [f.] nosotras, las ciudades: the Spain Pavilion). Information about participant countries >>> Argentina Exhibition: “Latitude 33º 41′ S, Longitude 59º 41′ O” (Latitud 33º 41′ S, Longitud 59º 41′ O)

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Three new towers will rise in the WTC area (New York)

The three new skyscrapers, going to rise in the World Trade Center area, near to the so-called Freedom Tower, were unveiled. They have been conceived by Norman Foster and Richard Rogers, both British, and by Japanese Fumihiko Maki [BBC / ELPAIS.es / Architectural Record / NYT / LMDC]. Images > NYT

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Ken Shuttleworth / make architects: the ‘Crescent House’ (UK)

United Kingdom > The Crescent House, designed by Ken Shuttleworth / make architects, proves that unusual shapes can satisfy project requirements better than conventional houses. Half-moon is the ideal shape for a residential building: while protecting and receiving, it also opens and connects to external world… [Arkinetia]

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Alicante: tram stop by SUBARQUITECTURA

Spain > Tram stop designed by SUBARQUITECTURA in the town of Alicante… “It comprises two hanging 36-meter-long boxes, that have only two supports and feature a couple of tension cables at their end”… [Edgar Gonzalez weblog]