p+A news

l'attualità che riguarda l'Architettura in Italia e nel mondo, le notizie serie e le meno serie...

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SkyArena Festival (Frankfurt)

As a prelude to the Football World Championship 2006, between June 3rd and 6th, eleven skyscrapers have been enlightened in the city of Frankfurt to celebrate the so-called SkyArena Festival. Images of the history of all World Championship’s editions were projected into the towers [na/blog].Images > 1 / 2

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Dekleva Gregoric Architects (Slovenia): ‘XXS house’

Slovenia > The “eXtra-eXtra-Small House”, conceived by Dekleva Gregoric architecture firm, is only 43 square-meters wide and rises in the Kracovo district, being at the same time just in downtown Ljubljana and into an historic site, that’s now much preserved as cultural heritage. Main house dimensions therefore have been set in accordance with the volume […]

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Leipzig (Germany): the Hotel Everland

Created by Swiss artists Sabina Lang and Daniel Baumann, the Hotel Everland comprises a single room, placed on the roof of the Leipzig Contemporary Art Gallery, where it will remain till August 5th 2007: the “hotel” provides accommodation, being an art work at the same time [we make money not art].

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The Museum Plaza (Louisville, Kentucky)

From the original Web site, new images and video of the Museum Plaza building designed by Joshua Prince-Ramus of R.E.X. (former OMA New York) in Louisville (Kentucky) > museumplaza.netsource > dezain.net

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Zaha Hadid: Thirty Years in Architecture

“Zaha Hadid: Thirty Years in Architecture”, the first big retrospective dedicated to Zaha in the US, is opening on June 3th at Guggenheim Museum (New York) [NYT].Images > NYT / guggenheim.org