p+A news

l'attualità che riguarda l'Architettura in Italia e nel mondo, le notizie serie e le meno serie...

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European Prize for Urban Public Space: two winner projects

Two projects were awarded the 4th European Prize for Urban Public Space, created in the year 2000 by Contemporary Culture Centre of Barcelona (CCCB). Both of them are intended to restore the public dimension of metropolitan space: the Sea Organ, a development conceived by architect Nikola Basic for the waterfront of Zadar (Croatia), and A8ernA, […]

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Zaha Hadid: Besós Interuniversitary Campus in Barcelona

It will rise into the 2004 Forum Area and will start working in August 2008, the future Besós Interuniversitary Campus, following the construction of the building conceived by Zaha Hadid as a seat for offices and university facilities [ELPAIS.es / Ajuntament de Barcelona]source > Archinect

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Beijing 2008: state of the art

A Video (dated March 2006) presents the progress of the construction of CCTV building designed by Rem Koolhaas, Olympic Stadium by Herzog and De Meuron…and more [na/blog].