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l'attualità che riguarda l'Architettura in Italia e nel mondo, le notizie serie e le meno serie...

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Guadalajara (Mexico): Guggenheim Museumcan is feasible

Mexico: after long months of wait and uncertainty, the feasibility study, intended to verify if the Guggenheim Museum designed by Enrique Norten can be open in Guadalajara, proved that building the structure in the city nicknamed “la perla tapatía” is “highly profitable” [La Crónica de Hoy].

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SANAA to build Louvre Museum in Lens

The Lens detachment of Louvre Museum, in north-east of France, will be built by Japanese architects Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa, founders of the firm SANAA in Tokyo [terra.es].Images and video > Le Projet du Louvre-Lenssource > dezain.net

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Ground Zero: stop to the museum project

George Pataki, the Republican Governor of New York State, announced construction works of the International Freedom Center (IFC) – the museum for freedom and tolerance designed in Ground Zero by Norwegian firm Snøhetta – were suspended: families of the victims of 9/11 terrorist attacks opposed to the project [el mundo].Images and information about Museum design […]

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Reina Sofia (Madrid) becomes one of the biggest museums in the world

New Exhibition Rooms, the Auditorium and the Library form the basis of Jean Nouvel‘s expansion of Reina Sofia Museum (Madrid), whose area has increased by more than 60 percent in new spaces, enlarging from 51.297 to 84.048 sqmt [terra.es].After four years works, finally Reina Sofia “reveals” itself [el mundo].