The beauty of building: Jean Prouve (1901-1984) on display in Madrid

Spain > Until November 12, 2011, Ivorypress Art + Books Space I, in Madrid, presents Jean Prouvè 1901-1984: Belleza Fabricada, an exhibition dedicated to Jean Prouvè (Paris, 1901 – Nancy, 1984), exceptional French craftsman, designer and engineer. Curated by the British architect Norman Foster and by the architecture design professor Luis Fernandez-Galiano… [ / designboom]

Spain > Until November 12, 2011, Ivorypress Art + Books Space I, in Madrid, presents Jean Prouvè 1901-1984: Belleza Fabricada, an exhibition dedicated to Jean Prouvè (Paris, 1901 – Nancy, 1984), exceptional French craftsman, designer and engineer. Curated by the British architect Norman Foster and by the architecture design professor Luis Fernandez-Galiano… [ / designboom]

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